Saturday, August 29, 2009

Before moving to Berlin, I took some time to research who was teaching belly dance in the city. I was delighted when Zadiel popped up, since I had loved watching his videos on you tube and had no idea that he was based in Berlin. I was even more delighted when he invited me to join one of his dance companies, Zadiraks Dancers.
Zadiel directs two companies- Velvet Snake and Zadiraks Dancers- both of which are made up of advanced dancers and dance instructors. Velvet Snake learns the choreography from Zadiel, but performs without him, while Zadiraks Dancers performs with Zadiel.
Combining raqs sharqi with oriental cabaret with Turkish Roma, Zadiel is stunning to watch. His performances are full of passion and perfect technique.
A woman I know in Berlin writes a travel blog for the New York Times. When she heard about Zadiel, she was so impressed that she decided to write about him in her blog. And I love her for quoting me in it. Finally, some press! (sort of).

The link to the blog:

Zadiel's website:

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